Ryton-on-Dunsmore Provost Williams

Church of England Academy

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Religious Education

Collective Worship And The Teaching of Religious Education


Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Provost Williams CE Academy is proud of its links with the Church of England.  Christian based assemblies are held every day and children are encouraged to develop a reflective spirituality.  Prayers are said every day.  Collective worship is wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.  However, pupils are given opportunities to explore other world faiths.


Our teaching of Religious Education encourages children to explore personal values and beliefs whilst fostering their interest in an understanding of a range of beliefs and customs.


We follow the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) – agreed syllabus for education.  We acknowledge the diversity of faiths that are represented in our society.  We celebrate all the major festivals of the Christian calendar.


RE enables children to understand how and why people live differently from each other and to respect their right to do so.
