Ryton-on-Dunsmore Provost Williams

Church of England Academy

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Welcome from the Executive Headteacher

Welcome to our school website.  We are a Church of England school and our school vison and values reflect our Christian distinctiveness. Our school vision is that every child is nurtured and challenged to enable ‘their light to shine’ and this is underpinned by our school values.  We believe every child can reach their full potential with the right provision and that a well-developed curriculum allows all children to flourish.  I work alongside Mrs Lampe Cullen to ensure that all children achieve.  Working with our parents and the community we can ensure that the children at Ryton-on-Dunsmore Provost Williams receive the best possible education.

I hope you enjoy our website. Please come and visit to see us in action!

Mrs Leah Baddeley

Executive Headteacher


Welcome from the Head of School

Welcome to Ryton-on-Dunsmore Provost Williams CofE Academy website.  We hope you enjoy looking around our site and getting to know our school.  We want our children to have a love for learning and the chance to experience activities across the whole curriculum.  We have high expectations of both learning and progress and ensure all children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.  All children, regardless of their ability, are able to access all areas of the curriculum and any extracurricular activities held.  We want to ensure all our children believe in themselves and their abilities, aspire to be the best they can be, are eager to learn to enable them to achieve their dreams and goals and are able to ‘Let their light shine’.

Mrs Sherrise Lampe Cullen

Head of School

Our Priorities

  • An ambition for all, rooted in an ethic of excellence in all we do. ‘High Expectations’
  • An investment in ensuring that all staff are developed and enabled to deliver an excellent education. Professional growth and respect’
  • culture where all stakeholders understand why we do what we do. ‘The Way we do it round here’


Priority 1

Leadership and Management

1.1 To continue to develop the head of school’s knowledge and expertise in all aspects of school life.

1.2 To develop the role of subject leaders so that they know their subject well and are effectively supporting others to deliver an ambitious curriculum.

1.3 To develop a ‘ethic of excellence in all we do’ across the school

1.4 To continue to develop the role of governors to ensure they have a good understanding of the school’s work.

Priority 2

Quality of Education

2.1 To improve outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics across the school.

2.2 To improve early reading and phonics provision so that the school reflects the National outcomes.

2.3 To ensure that in, History/ Geography and art the curriculum intent is consistently implemented across the school. (link with L&M 1.2)

2.4 To ensure that the quality of teaching and learning is good across the school.

2.5 To develop the strategies used to support pupils with SEND to maximise progress from their starting points.

Priority 3

Behaviour and Attitudes

3.1 To ensure that the behaviour policy is implemented consistently across the school.

3.2 To increase whole school attendance and to reduce the number of pupils who are persistently absent.

Priority 4

Personal Development

4.1 To continue to develop children’s understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions

4.2 To continue to develop further the broader educational offer eg clubs.

Priority 5

Early Years Education

5.1 To ensure that phonic and early reading provision are of a high quality.

5.2 To develop the indoor and outdoor learning environment to ensure it facilitates the areas of priority based on accurate assessment for learning, which in turn ensures more pupils achieve the GLD.

5.3 To develop the quality of teaching in Early Years so that assessment is used effectively to plan next steps in learning.

Priority 6

Christian Distinctiveness

6.1 To develop pupil led worship.

6.2 To review long term planning and develop short term plans for all year groups to support the effective delivery of RE.

6.3 To develop links with St Leonards church

6.4 To develop the breadth of ways in which we capture learning in RE.